Thursday, 21 June 2012

Lemon drop cheesecake

I love cheesecake. My favorite would be a regular cheesecake with blueberry sauce. Lemon cheesecake however is a new idea. Since I love the citrus flavors I thought this might be worth a try, especially since recipes from Canadian Living have almost always turned out great (when I follow instructions).

This recipe in the magazine had lots of pictures and I was so excited when the candied lemon peels turned out perfectly. They were yummy. I imagine they would be great to add to a lot of other recipes. I just lack the know how to begin pairing it with other foods. Although I love orange and chocolate.

For the cheesecake, the batter itself was a wee bit tricky for no other reason than that my brain just fries itself every now and then and fails me when I need commonsense. I unpacked and washed a food processor we have had for nearly six years to make this cake. I saw a line that said liquids should not go over that point. I thought to myself that it can't be a big deal. So I added the ingredients and kept going. When it got time to lift the cup and pour the batter out that line seemed pretty important. Well, lets just say that I managed to get most of the batter into the cake pan.

The other thing was that I just could not find graham crackers for the crust at two super markets. Now where on earth do you find it. I looked in the baking foods aisle and the cracker/snacks aisle. So I just went with some random cracker I had in the pantry. Not a good idea, I had a very soggy crust. And the cake cracked a bit, not sure why. The light frosting however,, helped cover the crack prefectly and the candied lemon made it look so darned pretty. If you didn't get it yet, the candied lemon was my favorite part of the whole cooking process.

The cake itself was too big for a family of two and a half (Offspring does not count as a whole person yet when it comes to factoring in serving sizes). So I distributed it to the neighborhood. It even earned me a few surprise compliments. So all in all, a keeper, I would make this again.

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