Monday, 27 September 2010

And off they'll go!

It seems like Mrs MD has increased her reproductive fitness having successfully hatched two broods and her second batch of offspring will soon be off. I am so glad for her and thankful that she provided our offspring with some entertainment.
Mrs MD's second batch of babies.
You can tell by the colour of the leaves that summer left us a while ago.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Mrs MD

You might remember the post about the mourning dove that picked the tree in our front yard to nest this year. She had two chicks and then she was gone. Or so I was told. I was away for a month and couldn't stalk her like I had been doing since she showed up.
Mrs MD with her chicks, they look rather scary
When I returned my neighbour mentioned she was back and calling for her chicks. I knew she was not that stupid. And guess what? She is nesting again!! The best part about it that our toddler is learning to quietly watch her every day and says, "hi biddie." 

I hope "biddie" gets her chicks out of the eggs and is off in good time. It is getting a bit chilly now.